

Posts Tagged ‘ A.V.O ’

Tour: Eye-Gouge! 7″ Launch Shows: November/December 2009

November 27th, 2009 by

Eye-Gouge! is doing a tour along the coast for their new self-titled 7″. Also playing two shows in Melbourne.
You can check out their demos here:

  Eye-Gouge! - Fast Pissed Off & Proud (8.2 MiB, 2,358 hits)

  Eye-Gouge! - Demo 2007 (11.0 MiB, 2,393 hits)

Don’t miss AVO’s last show at Sandringham Hotel tomorrow night!

New Tours Heading Through NSW

March 18th, 2009 by

First up is the asecretdeath w/Hopeless & Concrete Street Love Below Tour, followed by Trash Talk w/Extortion Australia / New Zealand Tour in late April.

Then, the Have Heart w/Carpathian Australian Tour and the Bury Your Dead w/Confession Australian Tour come through Sydney in late May.